I finished my thesis and passed. As a consequence, I soon will publish my work on this website. Unfortunately the German laws according to copyright forbid to use pictures taken by others without according licenses or paying money. I am currently thinking of replacing certain pictures by a bit worse, but free versions of them, before uploading it. I maybe also will divide the 50 pages into semantic parts and publish is as static part of the website soon.
Category Archives: Personal
I am going to demonstrate the complete thesis and the aMoSeRo on:
Working place improved
thesis writing intermediate state
It has been really quiet in this blog recently. This is because I am currently writing my thesis in latex. Therefore I thought today is a good moment to tell you about some things i learned since the last post.
I have been putting lots of effort into the history of mobile robotics, have been researching some sources and achieved some knowledge about the recent development of Willow Garage, Boston Dynamics and some universities like the TU-Darmstadt.
hence I now distinguish between mobile robots, UGVs and AGVs, consider Willow Garage as possibly dead (even if it isn’t since the majority of employees moved in February) and feel deep respect of whats possible with legged robots shown by Boston Dynamics.
Time is running, it’s scary and spectacular at the same time regarding what is possible with mobile robots. My first 10k of words have been written and there is sill a lot more to be done until the 29th of September 2014.
brace yourself more posts are coming
Today the new parts arrived, which is why there will be a lot of new posts soon.
There is a [amazon &title=CubieTruck&text=CubieTruck] in it, better stepper motors, a lot of sensors, tracks and wheels – so a lot of work in a box 🙂