I’ve taken a HC-SR04 like shown below and connected it to the CubieTruck as a rosserial publisher.
Instead a of a simple std_msgs::String str_msg; I’ve implemented a sensor_msgs::Range range_msg; which after starting the arduino in ros with rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py /dev/ttyACM0 shows up in rostopic echo /ultrasound like this:
--- header: seq: 136 stamp: secs: 1400706588 nsecs: 709593997 frame_id: ultrasound radiation_type: 0 field_of_view: 0.10000000149 min_range: 0.0 max_range: 4.0 range: 1.18762886524 ---
So with that, its possible to visualize everything using rqt_plot:
which is pretty nice for my first arduino micro ros project and less than an two hours of work 🙂
For further information see here