I’ve experimented with the [amazon &title=BMP180&text=BMP180]. Since its a 3,3V breakout board which is I²C capable I had concerns since the Micro usually uses 5V on its Pins. But without a reason: the I²C on the[amazon &title=BMP180&text=BMP180] needs to get a voltage of 5V and the arduino micro also provides 3.3.
So wiring all together:
- BMP180
- BMP180 and Arduino Micro
- BMP180 and Arduino Micro
Breakout Board -> [amazon &title=Arduino Micro&text=Arduino Micro]
DA -> SDA (Digital 2)
CL -> SCL (Digital 3)
+ -> 3.3 (do NOT plug this to 5V!)
– -> GND
Sparkfun offers very good tutorials and source code. The library you’ll need to run this board can be found here
Getting this into your Arduino IDE leads to:
Since its an I²C device it should be stackable with any other I²C device in case they do not have the same BUS-address.