Tag Archives: amosero

aMoSeRo – first Simultaneous Planning Localization and Mapping (SPLAM)

Far from done, but right on the way – the aMoSeRo did his first 2D planning today.  There are still a lot of adjustments needed for the mapping to work properly, but it’s already impressive to see ROS working.

first SPLAM - first navigation through a map

first SPLAM – first navigation through a map

The node graph still grows and will need some changes when used with multiple robots, but organising goes on 🙂

first SPLAM - it is getting even worse, more topics, more nodes

aMoSeRo – very first mapping view available

After days with latex and struggling with all sensor data a mobile robot needs, today is the first day of ROS showing me a small map view. It’s anything but stable and I can’t claim understanding everything – but because I’ve hadn’t something to report for some time now here a small demonstration:

First Mapping Experience

Screenshot fromMAP

ScreenshotTopics Topics Overview – amosero a distributed system still far from optimal

Because my IMU doesn’t do its work as it should, I’ve used a WiiMote Motion + and run it by a common ros driver and bluetooth.

Yeeeha 🙂

aMoSeRo at Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg Open Day

Today we’ve had the honor to inform young high school students about the education possibilities of the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg at their Open Day. In four hours I’ve learned howto explain everything about the aMoSeRo in a few sentences. Sadly we weren’t able to drive around because everything was very crowded, but we could demonstrate the 3D PointClouds a bit. So everybody was able to see the mathematics in infomatics by example 🙂

The only chance to take some photos had been before the day started, but here are some impressions:

first presentation of aMoSeRo at the BHT Freiberg Germany

Today the BHT which is a mining research forum in Freiberg, Germany took place. As the amosero should run as a support robot in mining somewhen this has been a great chance to firstly show off what we’ve got so far. After 4 weeks from zero to robot:

So we were able to demonstrate the [amazon &title=Asus Xtion&text=Asus Xtion] Features like a live IR Image, some 1fps RGB DepthCloud visualized in RVIZ, driving around including to spot turn.

The plate cookie box we used had some negative effect on the wlan capacity, which we need to address soon by e.g. changing the material or excluding the antenna.

Had been a nice experience showing that little low cost ros robot to public an I am still very exited where the journey leads in the remaining 4 months of my thesis.

Virtual rearrangement of aMoSeRo One

It’s still not easy finding the right combination and arrangement of all robot parts. Like mentioned in the previous post, SketchUp is a nice tool for easy 3D visualization using real physical dimensions. So I spend some time again:

So tomorrow I am trying to by the planned box and the new motors, hopefully posting real world photos soon.