Rasberry Pi Robot with ROS, Xtion and working base_controller teleop

Before I dismantle my little [amazon &title=Raspberry Pi&text=Raspberry Pi] Robot #1 , I wanted to have a little video of its base_controller working together with the turtlebot teleop. It uses the geometry/Twist messages to transmit moving information like a lot of ROS Robots do.

Youtube Video

As you see there is a little acceleration control implemented which makes the robot start smoothly and stop after gently after no key is pressed anymore. In case of emergency its possible to hit e.g. the space bar for a instant full stop.

This robot isn’t very fast – but the next one will be. So this was a successful ROS-learning robot which I can recommend to everyone who wants to know how ROS Robots work.
Its a bit hard to get all of the source compiled on the small arm cpu, and there are nearly no precompiled packages – but it takes away all the fear from compiling errors in the future 🙂


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